Monday, 23 February 2015

2015: The Rise of Racism?

Just six days ago- on the 17th February 2015 on the Paris Metro; the public saw barbaric Chelsea fans hurl abuse at a black man, while not allowing the man to board the train. The video below shows footage (taken from The Guardian Online) of the man trying to board the train at Richelieu-Drouot station, only to be denied by the Chelsea supporters numerous times while chanting ‘We’re racist and that’s the way we like it!’ (Sorry, WHAT?)

According to Edelman, racial conflict - also known as racial harassment - can be described as ‘any hostile or offensive act or expression by a person of one racial or ethnic group against another; or incitement to commit such an act.’ 

I understand that football fanatics have a tendency to go over the top, get slightly violent and boisterous, but please, it’s 2015!! Racism is not, never has been, and never will be ok. This behaviour in my opinion is absolutely sickening and I’m extremely glad that three of the men have been identified.

This has caused utter – and rightly so – uproar on twitter, with posts being sent around to find all of the men involved (see picture below) as well as the hash tag #ChelseaRacists being created. However some people don’t have the same views, and explain that it isn’t footballs problem, it’s societies.

The conflict resolution of this social media storm is that the situation has been policed by the public and instead of being handled by a legal process (which it will do eventually), the public took it into their own hands and dealt with it in a way they felt was necessary.

The outcome via Twitter is that three men - to date - have been identified using retweets and the hashtag. Even though everyone gave his or her individual opinions, an overall consensus was reached that this behaviour is not and will not be accepted in today's society and these men must be punished. Looking through the Twitter feed it can also be concluded that people are questioning how well educated these men must be, who clearly do not know what is right or wrong.

In no way shape or form is racial conflict ok. It has been explained that IF (and only IF) the men are brought to trial in France they could face a hefty fine of £33,000 and a three-year prison sentence.  

What do you think? Is being banned from the club enough? What action would you like to see being taken?

Liv x


  1. I agree with you that this is disgusting behaviour. As to what punishment should be given I don't think that being banned from football games is going to stop them from being racist in the future as they will most likely return to being outspoken football fans once the ban is up, where as if they were fined and sentenced then they would perhaps think twice about racism in the future. I agree with the views that this is a problem with society and not with football. I grew up surrounded by racism and most of the time people are too afraid to stand up against it. This can be seen in the footage where all of the bystanders simply tried to ignore it. This is a problem with society and the everyday person whom could make a difference is too afraid to do so in case the abuse is turned onto them. Very sad story and I have doubts that a worthy punishment will be given.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I completely agree that the general public are too afraid to stick up for others incase they are then the target for abuse. This is what we call the bystander effect and it's definitely evident here, you're right Helen! I could not agree more that there should be more than just a football ban, we can only hope that they get trailed in France! That's the only way they can be faced with three years in prison and a £33,000 fine!

  2. racism is not exclusive to a specific race, unfortunately there will always be someone ignorant willing to judge, it has been a problem for centuries. Racism will not stop until we remove any and all labels that identify us as anything but the same. People are not born with hatred it is something we learn from our community and even families. I am not trained in the way people think and act, so understanding the mind of a racist is beneath me. I think our only hope is to re-educate people to try and stop racism and prejudice any anybody found guilt of this behaviour needs to be " named and shamed" together with a life ban and a serious financial fine. A good start to this is Chelsea Football Club and the majority of there supporters giving there full support following the odious racist aggression and humiliation of the alleged victim of the metro incident.

    1. Hi Tim!
      Thank you for your comment, unfortunately this is true; racism will forever be around- it has however decreased over the years therefore this is why this was such a shock! I agree there are cultural aspects which can influence a persons behaviour, however one of the three men that was found is an ex policeman who supposedly works for human rights!
      You're right, a great start with Chelsea getting involved! However do you agree that more should be done than just a ban and a fine? Or do you believe that is enough to punish these men?

  3. What an ugly trait racism is, i was appalled at this recent racist attack on a innocent man.
    There is never a legitimate justification for being racist. We need to expose these people for what they are and show there will be no room for racial inequality. I have read that the governing body of FIFA tweeted there was no place for racism in football, i find that a joke as the amount of racial commented shouted and aimed at professional footballers on the pitch week in week out is unbelievable, i have personally witnessed this behaviour and have been ashamed to be standing near these bullies.
    Do not get me wrong racism is in every profession not just football but as a society we need to stand shoulder to shoulder with every community to stop out racial discrimination forever.
    Anybody with total disregard to this needs to be prosecuted, fined heavily, banned and even inprisonment.

    1. Hi Stephanie!
      Thank you for your comment and I could not agree more that there is NEVER justification for racism! I have also had a look at this tweet too and agree that there is constantly racist abuse hurled at these football players every week, do you remember the Balotelli case- where he threatened to walk off the pitch the next time someone made a 'monkey chant' toward him. It's disgraceful that people still have the views that were apparent almost 50 years ago and I completely agree with you that they need to be seriously punished!

  4. I completely agree, I find it hard to believe that in 2015 scenes like this can still be found. Being banned from the club is a start in showing that unacceptable behaviour will not be condoned by the club; however I feel that this problem is not the sole responsibility of Chelsea football club. Whilst the people involved belong to a group of individuals who are associated with the football club, in my opinion it is not fair to stereotype the Chelsea football fans as a racist group based on the actions of a small number of negligent individuals. The problem exists in society as a whole, however I feel that the individuals felt empowered by a sense of security incurred as a result of belonging to a fan group. Going forward I would like to see anti racism campaigns promoted by the football clubs in the UK. Football is a key factor in British society and therefore a campaign supported and endorsed by the players and clubs alike would reach a mass audience. A campaign needs to start somewhere, therefore football would be a good place to start; however this problem needs to be targeted in all areas of society in order to change mass opinions.

    1. Hi Tori,
      You raise some very good new points and thank you for your comment! I completely agree with you when you state that it is society's fault as a whole. The fact these fans are Chelsea fans is a shame because they have temporarily tarnished CFC's reputation. However, in another post Ian Wright explained that CFC are constantly involved with racism and they need to act now. Anti-racism campaigns promoted by CFC is a great idea, however a few signs here and there aren't going to do anything towards anyones attitudes or behaviour.
      How about the punishment? Do you think that a banning order is enough, or do you think that they should be fined/imprisonment?

    2. Chelsea could be the starting point in creating widespread recognition that in today's society racism still exists. As you have explained that CFC have been associated with racism on several occasions, I do agree that as a club they need to respond to this negative press in order to reassure the public that their identity is not one that they wish to be associated with the promotion and condolence of racism.

      In relation to the punishment debate, personally I feel that a club ban is an appropriate method of punishment on behalf of the club itself. However I feel that legal action should be taken and a short term imprisonment could shock the public into understanding that in 2015 racism will not be taken lightly.

    3. Hi Tori,
      Thank you for your reply! I understand what you're saying regarding the response to the negative coverage they have received the past few days and it is a good thing that they are supporting any criminal action against all those involved. They have taken it upon themselves to react quickly in order to maintain and manage their reputation which is the best way to go about a crises like this.

      I completely agree with your last statement and you have reiterated the point I have made in my blog post. Legal action does need to be taken and yes, I believe that imprisonment will definitely shock the public! Racism is not ok and never will be and if we can do anything we can to portray that message then it might just make people think twice before not only physically but emotionally abusing people of a different race.

  5. Love the reason behind this post. Growing up I always see racism as sick and to be so stupid as these fans in Paris were outlines the problem with football. Seeing as Chelsea are a club with a captain who was sacked by England for the same problem, it's just another gloomy time surrounding Chelsea. Olivia would love to hear more from you on the john terry part & this Paris incident. I'm totally with you, I think it's sick and a brainless group of people. I can't get my head round it at all... Especially that it has happened in today's society!


    1. Hi Adam!
      Thank you for your comment it is much appreciated. I am glad that you agree with me on this one. Racism unfortunately will always be around however if we don't act now & hard then people will never change, do you agree? I was just mentioning to an earlier comment as well the Balotelli case, where he almost left the pitch when the fans were shouting 'monkey chants' at him. It is sickening you are right. John Terry was fined £220,000 for his racial slurs towards Anton Ferdinand, (not to mention the loss of his title as Englands captain) and these men from paris are only facing a £33,000? Why is it different for a footballer than the general public? Just because footballers may earn more, does not mean their fine should be any different. These vulgar men should be made to pay the same amount as John Terry, and in my opinion, face imprisonment. What about you? What do you think is the best punishment for this disgusting behaviour?

    2. Well being a police officer, I don't think you should be able to buy your way out of that situation. Famous or rich, it shouldn't matter. How can it be justified that you are able to pay your way out of degrading someone because of their race? I'm not sure it constitutes a punishment, but yeah.. I can't understand it and we'll done for brining this up!! First time I've read your blog, I will keep coming back!

      Adam x

    3. Hi Adam,
      Thanks for your response! I completely agree- however if there should be a fine set, it should be the same for everyone!

      Thank you for these comments!

    4. It should, your right! It could be that it is French courts imposing that fine that makes it different to what john terry had to pay? Does that show that the UK is tougher on racism than France? We could go on forever! I hope with the name and shame that went on, it has shown how much we are all (apart from the minority) against racism. Who knows?

    5. Hi Adam,
      You've now brought up a brand new topic- we really could go on forever! It is such a shame that none of the men sought by Scotland Yard has been arrested as the force cannot detain people over alleged offences outside the UK! I think that France may be tougher than the UK as they are stating the men involved will face a three year imprisonment if found and brought to trial, however because they haven't all been identified nothing yet has happened. Will it ever? Or will it just be forgotten about? I hope not!

    6. Seeing as your the blogger, you should put that out to more people! See what reaction you get? I've got a feeling it being chelsea based and the past events around chelsea it won't be forgotten by the media. So how can it be forgotten by the courts? Media is central to everything that happens these days! Socially and win the realms of the news!! So let's hope not..... Olivia, I've enjoyed this... A decent conversation. Keep it up!

    7. Hi Adam
      Perhaps I will! The media storm that has surrounded this topic is amazing, it shows that the media is on our side- for once!
      You've brought up some great points within our discussion today so I thank you for that!

    8. I look forward to the next topic! I'm off to watch 'Gone Girl', speak soon Olivia

      Adam x

  6. Very insightful article Olivia, I agree racism has no place in the society of today and every step should be taken to bring those accountable to book. What does give me heart is the way most people responded on social media particularly Twitter, society today has identified that racism should be a thing of the past and as long as those people keep fighting we will work towards eradicating it from a civilised 21st century society!

    1. Hi Lisa!
      Thank you for your comment, I could not agree more; and I'm not entirely sure why people still believe it has a place in todays society; where do they get away with thinking this kind of behaviour is OK?
      You are so right, social media has created an absolute storm over this incident and, like you, I am extremely pleased with the way people have reacted. The fact there were twitter accounts with thousands of followers sending round tweets, begging for RT's and Favourites to try and get the men found is inspiring and the fact that is has in fact worked and three of the men to date have been found just shows that maybe we can work together to eradicate it! We can only hope!

  7. Honestly, I find the whole thing disgraceful. I am a Chelsea fan and I ask myself " are these idiots fans of football " ? No I do not think so and they certainly do not represent me as a person or as a supporter. I am saddened to feel that the image of my club has been tarnished again. Football has come along way on and off the pitch since the 80's but it cannot fight racism on its own. To fight racism you need power and that has to come from society.
    We need to make an example of these racists and I hope they are punished with a prison sentence.

    1. Hi Danny!
      Thank you for your comment and I can completely understand what you're saying about how we should not suggest that all Chelsea fans are racist and they do not represent everyone. We cannot stereotype because that is not fair and will definitely not be done here!
      I can imagine the disappointment you must feel for not only your club but also the rest of the fans who are not in this racist minority. You are right, society is hugely to blame for this and it is a shame that people's behaviour and attitudes are quite clearly very simple-minded, even in the 21st century!
      We are in completely agreement with the punishment aspect of your comment, these men definitely do need to be punished and I am glad that a supporter like yourself sees the importance in that! Thank you again Danny.

  8. There is definitely no room in society for racism in any way shape or form. Unfortunately we still live in a world where some people still think that black/Asian/Chinese people are cauterised as 2nd class citizens, who shouldn't vote and only work in factories. We must get these idiots off their high horses everyone is equal!!. I don't think by just banning football thugs from matches will solve anything, racism is and has always been around in sport, and will continue to be unless as a race we educate people from their early years as to what racism actually means to us.

    1. Hi Derek,
      Thank you for your comment. You make an extremely good point, people STILL have these beliefs; and here I am thinking people have actually moved on from this. Of course I know that racism is definitely still around but as a girl of 21, who has grown up surrounded by different ethnicities and thought nothing of it; I find it so hard to believe that people can actually think of themselves as any better or superior than others of a different race. It sickens me and you are right, everyone is equal!
      I completely agree with you when you explain that banning them won't do a thing! With your last point, are you saying you think that a better education on racism would help prevent this in the future?

  9. Hi Olivia,

    This is a great blog post. You are right this should never be allowed to happen. Chelsea should be ashamed of its supporters and they are right to ban them. I think this just shows FIFA and other football associations around the globe aren't doing enough to stop racism as well as anti-Semitic views.


    1. Hi Chloe!
      Thank you for your comment, I completely agree with you. Not only FIFA but also UEFA who recently explained that yes they may condemn all forms of discrimination and the behaviour of these fans, however, in their opinion, considering it occurred away from the stadium, it is outside UEFA's remit to act upon it! I think this is wrong and even though they might back any criminal action taken, they need to act now and show that this is NOT behaviour that will be taken lightly! Do you agree?

    2. Hi Olivia,

      I don't understand how UEFA can condemn racism/antisemitism yet the can't do anything because it's not in there remit?
      I completely agree, they need to do something! This isn't acceptable behavior. I have also wrote a blog post on this subject, it would be great if you could comment on it.



    3. Hi Chloe!

      Thanks for your reply, yes I completely agree with your point- it is ridiculous that the UEFA can stand and say they do not agree with this kind of behaviour yet are extremely timid when taking any action about it!

      I will take a look at your blog now!

  10. I am glad I took the time to read your blog Olivia. I am off the older generation with over 40yrs experience in the Media Industry and its always interesting to keep up to date with enthusiastic Young writers. After reading this particular post, I thought I would contribute as you say "my two pennies worth" !
    Throughout history people have been discriminated against things like racism, sexism, religion etc. Its a disease and spreads like wildfire. This recent incident is just one of many, sadly racism happens to someone everyday. Even the Oscars has not escaped an alleged racist comment. Media coverage is a important part of trying to combat discrimation and we somehow must regain respect for one another. Punishment, well as I said at the beginning I am from the old school - bring back National Service that will definitely install discipline and behaviour.
    Keep up the good work Olivia

    1. Hi!
      Thank you for your comment and especially your compliments about my blog- it is of course much appreciated. Wow you clearly know your stuff with having that many years experience!
      Isn't it awful that something like this is clearly so apparent even in the 21st century. You're right, media coverage is extremely important in trying to combat discrimination hence why I commented upon the twitter uproar- it has been very helpful when trying to identify the men, in which three have been found to date.
      I had not even thought of National Service- wow what a great idea! I agree that will install discipline and behaviour on a large scale and it is not as drastic as imprisonment; however there needs to be action taken NOW if we're ever going to eradicate this kind of disgusting behaviour.
      Thank you again for your comment and I will try!

  11. Such an insightful post Olivia. I agree with Tim on the only way to eradicate such shocking behaviour is to re-educate.

    I am pleased to see Chelsea Football Club have taken the first steps towards standing up against racism by punishing those supporters responsible for the racist attack in Paris. It is also good to hear that the employer of one of the identified culprits has suspended him whilst an investigation into his involvement is looked into.

    I personally am unsure whether a prison sentence would solve the problem. It seems all prisons in every country are now full of gangs, so no lesson will be learnt in this environment. What they need is to be personally responsible for their actions, so let's name them. Some community work within a racism support group or centre would be a good idea to start re-educating. Wouldn't it be better to educate early in life and stamp it out early rather than have to deal with racial incidents later on?

    1. Hi Carly!

      Thank you for your comment and your compliment! You're right it is great news that CFC have stepped up- and rightly so! I see your point you make about prison not necessarily teaching them a lesson, they need to do hard labour, community work within a racism support group is a great idea!

      The sickening thing is that we actually feel that we have to educate people, and they don't understand what is right or wrong, do you agree?
