Friday 17 January 2014

My New Addiction!

So, Recently myself and my good friend as well as flat mate Chelsie purchased a Smoothie maker. Honestly it is the best thing I have ever done, it's sort of in aid of my health kick i'm trying to take, I'm trying to eat very healthy and have also grabbed the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred Workout DVD. Hopefully it works, if anyone has used it let me know on your results!
Anyway, with the smoothies we make the same recipe most time because we haven't dared to be more adventurous yet, so our ingredients are:
2 handfuls of frozen blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants and redcurrants
1 Banana
5 ice cubes
1 tablespoon of oats
1 cup of apple juice
100ml of milk

If you don't want it to be that thick, avoid the oats!
It is delicious, and even better on a hangover; I'm yet to find a perfect hangover cure but this definitely helped me on Wednesday!
I try to drink one smoothie every day, generally speaking I have it for lunch.
So, because I've been on this health kick I've become more experimental with vegetables, I am now fully obsessed with green beans and have them with everything, and also have recently found out I like asparagus! (who would've thought?)

So my daily diet consists of:
2 weetabix with semi-skimmed milk for breakfast
A smoothie for lunch- or if not, soup
Plain chicken breast, carrots, green beans, asparagus and mash. (I mean I know mash isn't that good for you, but you need some carbs in there!)
I really try hard not to snack, but if I do there are these amazing Ryvita thins, which come in many different flavours; sweet chilli are my fave.

So heres a picture of the smoothie maker we have just incase you're wondering; it's incredible, it comes with two travel cups- which are intact the blender, you just turn them upside down and blend away!

& here is a picture of the smoothie I made! 

I definitely recommend anyone buy this, and let me know what recipes you've thought of or any that I can try out!
Happy blending,

Liv x

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